Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Attitudinal Behaviour Essay

Purpose – In order to classify individuals based on their needs, this paper aims to consider both self-stated attitudes and behaviours in a comprehensive range of daily ï ¬ nancial affairs. Furthermore, it aims to study the impacts of socio-demographic variables such as gender, age, and education. Design/methodology/approach – A questionnaire was answered by 1,282 respondents in the German-speaking part of Switzerland. Factor analysis revealed ï ¬ ve components. Based on these components a two-step cluster analysis (Ward and K-means analyses) identiï ¬ ed distinct subgroups. Linear regressions were used to investigate the impacts of socio-demographic variables. Findings – Factor analysis revealed ï ¬ ve underlying dimensions of ï ¬ nancial attitudes and behaviour: anxiety, interests in ï ¬ nancial issues, decision styles, need for precautionary savings, and spending tendency. Cluster analysis segmented the respondents into ï ¬ ve subgroups based on these dimensions with an ascending order of speciï ¬ c needs for ï ¬ nancial products. Gender, age, and education were found to have signiï ¬ cant impacts. Research limitations/implications – Real consumption behaviour cannot be observed through the survey, which limits the external validity of the study. Practical implications – The segmentation identiï ¬ es different levels of ï ¬ nancial competence and needs for ï ¬ nancial products. It allows ï ¬ nancial service providers to offer more effective advice and to meet customers on their own level to improve personal ï ¬ nancial management. Originality/value – Attitudes and behaviours in daily ï ¬ nancial affairs are examined to reveal individuals’ ï ¬ nancial competence and consequential product needs. A heterogeneous sample covers a variety of demographic groups. Keywords Personal ï ¬ nance, Savings, Questionnaires, Factor analysis, Cluster analysis, Switzerland Paper type Research paper Introduction Everyone has to manage his or her personal ï ¬ nance in one way or another. Some tend to save a lot, some like to collect information before each purchase, some like to follow their gut feelings. Private investors are not a homogeneous group but rather The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the University Research Priority Program â€Å"Finance and Financial Markets† of the University of Zurich and the National Centre of Competence in Research â€Å"Financial Valuation and Risk Management† (NCCR FINRISK), Project 3, â€Å"Evolution and Foundations of Financial Markets†. In addition, they would like to thank the Swiss ï ¬ nancial company that provided them with client data and the anonymous referee for the helpful comments. International Journal of Bank Marketing Vol. 27 No. 2, 2009 pp. 108-128 q Emerald Group Publishing Limited 0265-2323 DOI 10.1108/02652320910935607 individuals with various ï ¬ nancial practices combined with different levels of experience, anxiety and interest in ï ¬ nancial matters (Gunnarsson and Wahlund, 1997). In an increasingly competitive marketplace, ï ¬ nancial institutions need to emphasise customer relationships and the retention of existing customers that require an in-depth understanding of their attitudes and behaviours (Harrison and Ansell, 2002). The heterogeneous market is divided into smaller more homogeneous groups to meet speciï ¬ c needs with a corresponding business model (Jenkins and McDonald, 1997). Market segmentation relies, in the ï ¬ nancial industry, largely on socio-demographic information to deï ¬ ne segments for speciï ¬ c services (Harrison, 2000). It is questionable  ¨ as to how appropriate they are (Jorg, 2005), therefore in this study, selected aspects of ï ¬ nancial affairs such as routines and attitudes are gathered to gain insights towards signiï ¬ cant behavioural patt erns. The objective in this research is to examine the extent to which a broad range of private investors can be classiï ¬ ed into a small number of clusters in order to learn about group-speciï ¬ c needs in ï ¬ nancial affairs. More than 1,200 participants in Switzerland have answered our questionnaire with a response rate of 79 per cent. Unlike some other studies in this ï ¬ eld (e.g. Lim and Teo, 1997; Wood and Zaichkowsky, 2004), this survey is not limited to students, but includes a broader range of the public. Instead of focusing solely on savings behaviour (EBRI, 2002; MacFarland et al., 2003), the present study embraces a wider scope of daily ï ¬ nancial concerns. Thereby factor analysis exposes ï ¬ ve underlying dimensions: anxiety, interests in ï ¬ nancial issues, decision styles, need for precautionary savings, and spending tendency. We demonstrate that our respondents can, based on these dimensions, be classiï ¬ ed into ï ¬ ve distinct groups by cluster analysis where from cluster I to V, the need for action for a better handling of ï ¬ nancial matters increases: for example, the â€Å"Gut-feeling followers† show a intuitive way of decision taking, disinterest in ï ¬ nancial subjects and a lack of awareness for the need of provision which make it difï ¬ cult to argue for or to initiate remedial action. Each cluster raises key issues in meeting their needs and allows for guidance to design and adapt instruments to assist in speciï ¬ c ï ¬ nancial requirements. To illustrate how ï ¬ nancial behaviour can be modiï ¬ ed to improve personal ï ¬ nance speciï ¬ cally for each group, examples from the area of retirement savings, an important part of daily ï ¬ nancial management, are chosen (Clark-Murphy and Soutar, 2005). Linear regression further reveals that the clusters highlight socio-demographic characteristics and help generate a better understanding, although one socio-demographic factor alone does not offer enough information to detect cluster membership. The main theoretical contribution of this paper is that we segment the investors based on the revealed dimensions in attitudes (e.g., level of anxiety), together with the self-stated ï ¬ nance-related behavioural pattern (e.g., spending tendency). In this way we could identify the speciï ¬ c needs and provide different services to each subgroup. Theoretical background and literature review Individuals show considerable deviation from the expectation of rational behaviour implied by ï ¬ nancial models (Barberis, 2003). Being conscious of the empirical limitations of the homo economicus model for exploring the behaviour of private individuals, behavioural ï ¬ nance broadens the view by combining knowledge from psychology and economics ( Camerer and Loewenstein, 2004). Our study belongs to this area. However, instead of focusing on particular anomalies and biases that individuals succumb to, such as overconï ¬ dence and procrastination (Biais et al., 2005; O’Donoghue and Rabin, 1998), we broaden the scope under review by studying general patterns when dealing with ï ¬ nancial issues. Market segmentation In the ï ¬ nancial services industry, market segmentation is a common method to understand better and serve the diverse customer base with its wide-ranging needs and various behaviours (Speed and Smith, 1992). Competitive pressures from deregulation of the ï ¬ nancial services market increase the requirement for market orientation and a more intimate knowledge of the market and its segments (Gunnarsson and Wahlund, 1997). Previous research has shown that there are various beneï ¬ ts from taking a segmented approach to the marketplace: a better serving of customer requirements; a tailoring of offerings; and higher customer satisfaction (Harrison and Ansell, 2002). It can increase customer retention and create loyalty and long-term relationships that positively affect performance (Martenson, 2008). Market segmentation aims to recognise patterns of ï ¬ nancial behaviour, identiï ¬ ed by studied segment predictors to group individuals into segments according to their product needs (Harrison, 2000). Yet, marketing in the ï ¬ nancial services industry today is still predominantly based on socio-demographic features like gender and age which are easy to identify and easy to apply in the composition of groups (Machauer and Morgner, 2001). A prediction of needs from socio-demographic characteristics cannot be assumed; therefore these widely used a priori segmentations are under review (Speed and Smith, 1992). In contrast, post hoc methods entail the grouping of respondents according to their responses to particular variables, focusing on customer motivations (i.e. needs/behaviour) that are more likely to result in a service based on individual n eed (Durkin, 2005). In research, behavioural segmentation is increasingly found (Elliott and Glynn, 1998; Soper, 2002), although researchers continue to concentrate on the ï ¬ nancial behaviour of speciï ¬ c groups and selective variables  ¨ (Warneryd, 2001). This study focuses on the general population, giving a more holistic view of personal ï ¬ nancial management activities and taking attitudes and behaviour into account. Individual investors The literature on individual economic behaviour often focuses narrowly on speciï ¬ c  ¨ areas such as risk attitudes (Warneryd, 1999; Wood and Zaichkowsky, 2004) or saving (Normann and Langer, 2002; Thaler and Benartzi, 2004). Other ï ¬ elds of research target investment in securities (Barber and Odean, 2001; Brennan, 1995; Keller and Siegrist, 2006) or focus on speciï ¬ c segments such as occupational groups (e.g., dentists and  ¨ managers (Jorg, 2005)). Speciï ¬ c ï ¬ nancial issues or situations, however, are not indicative of an individual’s behavioural and attitudinal disposition toward ï ¬ nance. Rather an interest in ï ¬ nances or having certain habits related to managing one’s ï ¬ nancial means may indeed be a moderating factor to learn about behaviours and needs (Loix et al., 2005). The attitudes and behaviours toward ï ¬ nances regarded in this study focus on individual ï ¬ nancial management behaviour. It is a topic with important implications that has not been sufï ¬ ciently examined in ï ¬ nancial and economic behavioural studies (Loix et al., 2005). The subject is not covered by the extensive research on individual’s attitudes and habits towards money, as such studies focus on the meaning of money (Lim and Teo, 1997) or basic values concerning money in general as an abstract concept (Raich, 2008), and not on an individuals’ ways of dealing with his or her personal ï ¬ nance. Previous studies of private investors have used mainly behaviour-based criteria or attitudes and do not combine both aspects (Keller and Siegrist, 2006) that are the focus of this study. This study is not product-linked but wider ranging in that it examines the self-stated ï ¬ nancial attitudes and behaviour of individual investors. Attitudes and behaviours A frequently discussed question in research is to what extent attitudes predict behaviour. A direct relationship between attitudes and behaviour has often been found to be weak, but difï ¬ culties in ï ¬ nding a strong relationship might derive from  ¨ differences in deï ¬ nition and measurement (Warneryd, 1999). The more speciï ¬ c the attitude is the better are the chances of ï ¬ nding a substantial correlation with behaviour if behaviour is also deï ¬ ned as a speciï ¬ c act (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980). Therefore, deï ¬ ned questions or attitudes can have predictive power and a higher correlation of attitude to-wards behaviour has been conï ¬ rmed in studies (in a comprehensive  ´ meta-analysis: Glasman and AlbarracÄ ±n, 2006; Tesser and Shaffer, 1990). A further question is the beneï ¬ t of knowledge concerning behaviour. Whilst behaviour changes over time, there is a popular assertion that â€Å"past behaviour is the best predictor of future behaviour† (Ajzen, 1991, p. 202). It is a reï ¬â€šection of these ideas that leads to attitudes and behaviour being explored in this paper. Financial needs segmentation Several typologies concerning the ï ¬ nancial affairs of private investors can be found in the previous literature, but with more speciï ¬ c approaches: se gmentations are based on ï ¬ nancial maturity and knowledge (Harrison, 1994), provision for retirement (Gough and Sozou, 2005) or savings strategies (Gunnarsson and Wahlund, 1997). Loix et al. (2005) come closest to the focus of this study with the question of orientation towards ï ¬ nances but their goal is to develop a measurement scale for individual’s ï ¬ nancial management. In this study, we examine the self-stated ï ¬ nancial attitudes and behaviour through a broader basis and do not restrict ourselves only to questions concerning risk or saving. We apply the methodology of cluster analysis to identify groups of private investors in order to obtain insight into the enforcing or modifying of speciï ¬ c behaviour. Cluster analysis has become a common tool in marketing and is a well-adopted method for market segmentation as well as the applied factor analysis apparent in this paper (Punj and Stewart, 1983). The aim of the present study is to obtain a better understanding of people’s needs in ï ¬ nancial matters to provide adequate services and products. This study, based on ï ¬ nancial service consumers, identiï ¬ es distinct motivational clusters that were independent of the more established socio-demographic segmentation variables used in targeting and communicating by ï ¬ nancial institutions. This study demonstrates that, by segmenting respondents on the basis of a broader range of ï ¬ nancial attitudes and behaviour, a yield of clearly interpretable proï ¬ les can be realised and is helpful to identify those people in most need of professional ï ¬ nancial advice. This research suggests that customer’s ï ¬ nancial proï ¬ les may be useful in predicting their response to new products as well as persuading them to use existing services for the speciï ¬ c beneï ¬ ts they value. Participants and questionnaire The data come from a questionnaire that wa s completed by 1,282 respondents from various regions of the German-speaking part of Switzerland. The respondents were recruited from two sources: 53 per cent of the participants (n  ¼ 680) were clients seeking consulting advice from a Swiss ï ¬ nancial planning company, together with participants in courses in ï ¬ nancial training within the same ï ¬ rm (convenient sample). The second source was employed to avoid a client bias in the study. A total of 602 study subjects (47 per cent of the total study) were identiï ¬ ed through a combination of â€Å"quota[1] and snowball[2] sampling procedures† (Vogt, 2005) so that its composition in terms of sex, age, and other demographic characteristics came close to reï ¬â€šecting the respective proportions in Switzerland. Although not every member of the population is equally likely to be selected, the sample is composed of a wide variety of backgrounds. The diversity came from such groups as participants in a study relating to ï ¬ nancial literacy, and from different sources such as a nursing home, a group of university students, a group of teachers, company employees from four Swiss companies unrelated to the ï ¬ nancial services sector, a group of self-employed people, participants in a course for the unemployed, and a group made up of parents. The questionnaire was designed in German. Participants were ï ¬ rst asked to give their self-assessment by answering 17 questions on their ï ¬ nancial behavioural practice or attitude towards ï ¬ nancial affairs. The response format is a ï ¬ ve-point-Likert-type scale with â€Å"absolutely† and â€Å"not at all† at the two ends of the question spectrum. Subsequently, the questionnaire contains questions concerning socio-demographic variables such as age, gender, career stage, and education[3]. The age of participants ranges from 18 to 84 years old, with 58.9 per cent between 36 and 65 years old (n  ¼ 755). The natural demographic balance of men and women is reï ¬â€šected in the sample with 49.3 per cent men (n  ¼ 632) and 50.7 per cent women (n  ¼ 650). The proportion of people with a university degree or equivalent is 46.6 per cent (n  ¼ 598), whereas 33.8 per cent participants (n  ¼ 433) obtained an apprenticeship (up to ï ¬ ve years). There are 14.5 per cent participants (n  ¼ 186) who have a high school diploma as the highest educational level, whereas 5.1 per cent participants (n  ¼ 65) have only attended secondary school. There are 10.5 per cent (n  ¼ 135) participants who were studying at a university or at another institute of higher education at the time of our survey. Methodology and results Factor analysis As the ï ¬ rst step we conducted an exploratory factor analysis, a principal component analysis, in order to determine the underlying dimensions of the ï ¬ nancial attitudes and behavioural tendencies. The chosen solution with ï ¬ ve principal components was constructed using the varimax rotation technique and can explain 53.3 per cent of the total variance. Different opinions concerning what constitut es a high loading are found in the literature, e.g. 0.3 (Gardner, 2001). Here, the rotated factor loading of 0.5 was chosen as a threshold.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Poured Fire Analysis Essay

In the novel They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky, by Benson Deng, Alephonsion Deng, and Benjamin Ajak; Benson communicates a strong will to survive by using the device description. In the middle of the chapter â€Å"The Skulls Tree†, Benson describes the difficult experience he faced in the desert of Ajakageer. On his journey to Ethiopia, traveling through the desert of Ajakageer was the most dangerous part of his journey. Many of the thousands traveling to the camp in Ethiopia were ill and needed help. There was nothing they could, the only option they had was keep moving forward. Benson states, â€Å"At night, I was desperate for to have a good sleep and gain strength for the walking but I couldn’t because it was cold in the desert.† (78) This helps the reader understand the pain and misery of a Sudanese child that experienced this crucial journey. In the beginning of the chapter â€Å"The Gilo†, Benson describes what they had to do when the EPLA took over the camp. In the summer of 1991 the Ethiopian government was overthrown by some guerrilla fighters. The war once again reached them. They had to face the same problems they had. To survive, they must leave. Benson states, â€Å"The Sudan war had grown worse and spread farther. I longed to go home, but not like this-not running again, not back into battles. My beautiful homeland wasn’t a home in wartime. But to avoid conflict we agreed to leave their land and our lovely crops behind us.† This demonstrates that they were in serious danger. No matter where they went more problems caught up to them. They were lucky to get help. In order for them to survive they had to get rid and abandon there hope.

Monday, July 29, 2019

How to Think Theologically (HTTT) chapters 2,3 Reading Responses Assignment

How to Think Theologically (HTTT) chapters 2,3 Reading Responses - Assignment Example Lastly, eschatology is the theological branch concerned with death, judgement and eventual destiny of humankind and his soul. Q2. At times, two different people read a similar section of the Bible but end up having entirely different interpretations of the same. For instance, someone reading the book of Job can have his interpretation that temptation comes from God (Stone and Duke, 2013). This is in relation with God’s acceptance to have his servant Job tempted. Another would view it different and conclude that temptations are Satanic in nature as the whole idea of bringing calamities upon Job came from Satan. This happens because different Christians have varied theological backgrounds depending on how they were made to understand the bible right from Childhood. Q3. Correlation of different ideas involves bringing of two distinct ones together. For several years, this has been done by Christians in the journey of spiritual growth. As such, they tend to harmonize theology as a subject with their daily encounters. This helps Christians to carry out their ordinary lives basing on how they understand the Bible. Q4. Offering an evaluation of the rationale and trustworthiness of a belief entails deliberating on multiple conflicting issues. Thus, it helps in understanding of the Christian faith when initial perceptions of the same no longer seem tenable enough (Stone and Duke, 2013). Christians do this when seeking clarity on varied Christian concepts. Consequently, people weigh the available options alongside the merits of taking a particular direction. This is essential in the deeper understanding of the scriptures. In taking considerations, four of the most common tests of adequacy are often involved; Christian appropriateness, intelligibility, moral integrity and validity. Christian relevance involves the assessment of theology with regards to its faithfulness to the Christian message. Intelligibility, on the other hand, is

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Self confidence Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Self confidence - Research Proposal Example -identify the COGNITIVE, BIOLOGICAL AND LEARNED aspects involve in your corrent behavior pattern and succinctly describe how these affected you during your change process. the first page shoud include the brief introduction that give a short explenation of COGNITIVE, BIOLOGICAL AND LEARNED aspects of self confidence, the other 4 pages that woul make the body will explane about these aspects involving the changing agent(communication) how to improve the self confidence. The term confidence and self confidence are different in so many aspects. Confidence is a general term which can be applied universally while self confidence is a specific term which is limited to an individual only. Self confidence makes a person able to succeed in his life and at the same time the same thing prepare you to face the failure. The success is always related to the self confidence. â€Å"Who has confidence in himself will gain the confidence of others†.( Leib Lazarow). Self confidence is the driving force behind any person. The success and failure both equally depends on the amount of self confidence one would possess. True self confidence comes from an attitude where you assure yourself to face any kind of situations with true sportsman spirit, no matter how difficult the problem is or how easy it seems to be. Self-confidence gives us the freedom of making mistakes and face it. We can cite Lot of factors which can contribute to the development of self confidenc e. Among them, I think the cognitive, biological and learned aspects are most important. Self confidence starts from the mind. The thinking pattern of mind influences the way in which one respond to various things he met in the life. Mind is the driving force behind every action which is resulted from self confidence. Thinking can be positive and negative. Positive thinking always contributes to the self confidence while negative thinking will retard it. In order to build up the self confidence the best way is

Saturday, July 27, 2019

EEO Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

EEO Law - Essay Example However, testimony illustrated that other employees had huge bonuses within the recession that were even greater than the entire salary of Wilson. Employment policies or practices that are applicable to everyone irrespective of sex are illegal if they have negative impacts on other employees of a given sex. Autozone violated the EEO law prohibiting employment discrimination based on disability. Individuals are entitled to basic rights and freedoms in terms of selection and fair treatment during employment exercises. The United States government works on the policy in providing equal opportunities through the federal employment of all persons. The other goal is to prohibit discrimination across employment exercises based on religion, race, sex, color, handicap, national origin, sexual orientation, age, or parental status (Gutman,   Koppes  and Vodanovich 123). The policy promotes broader realization of various equal employment opportunities based on continuing affirmative programs of executive agencies and departments. The equal opportunity policy applies to all departments and is of the integral components of personnel practice and policy aspects. Subsequent inclusions are the advancement, development, treatment, and employment of people with disability in federal government opport unities as permitted by

Employment Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Employment Law - Case Study Example I'm only doing my job." He then picked up heavy glass paperweight from the desk and threw it at Mrs Simpson, hitting her in the face which resulted in serious injury. Tom tried to justify his behavior by claiming that his line manager, Sarah Harper, has been constantly criticizing his performance, customer care approach and time keeping. Later, at an official party, where he was rebuked and laughed at for his conduct with the customer, he picked up fight and injured one of his co-employee. In the facts and circumstances given above, two incidents of causing injury are directly attributable to the employee. Thus, the issue presented for consideration is as to who would be held liable for compensation to the victims for the tortuous and wrongful act of Tom Barnes. Apart from the criminal liability of Tom Barns for which a separate action would lie either by the employer or by the customer, in all probabilities, the relief of monetary compensation or punitive damages can be sought by the customer by primarily suing the employer as defendant as the employer is liable under tort for the acts committed by his employee. The liability of the employer for the tort or wrongful commission of an act by an employee emanates from the well known maxim "Respondent Superior", which means, Superior is responsible or let the principal be liable. This liability derives its validity from the fact that he who does an act through another is deemed in law to do it himself. This is also known as vicarious liability of the employer. Vicarious Liability As stated above, Vicarious liability is an old principle of employment law whereby the employer is held to be responsible for the acts of its employees when they are acting within the course and scope of their employment. The vicarious liability of the employer can be traced to the definition of employer-employee relationship propounded by the U.S.Supreme Court in the case of United States v. Silk (1) 91 L.Ed. 1757: 331 U.S. 304 (319), per Reed, J. wherein it was agreed that the test was whether the men were employees " as a matter of economic reality". The important factors were said to be "the degrees of control, opportunity of profit or loss, investment in facilities, permanency of relations and skill required in the claimed independent operation." The indicia of employer-employee relationship is further elaborated in the "Re-statement of the Law" (2) as follows: (a) The extent of control which, by agreement, the master may exercise over the details of the work; (b) Whether or not the one employed is engaged in a distinct occupation or business; (c) The kind of occupation with reference to whether, in the locality the work is usually done under the directions of the employer or by a specialist without supervision. (d) The skill required in the particular occupation; (e) Whether the employer or the workman supplies the instrumentalities, tools and the place of work for the person doing the work; (f) The length of time for which the person is employed; (g) The method of payment, whether by the time or by the job; (h) Whether or not the work is a part of regular business of the employer; and (i) Whether or not the parties believe they are creating the relationship of master and servant. It would follow from the above that since the employee is in total control and supervision

Friday, July 26, 2019

Technology and Organizational Structure Paper Assignment

Technology and Organizational Structure Paper - Assignment Example A compare and contrast strategy reveals the exact advantages and disadvantages and how it affects the use of technology and technology decisions in the company. General Motors is among the oldest companies of the US. It is the pioneer in the automotive industry and has been primarily associated with the decentralized organizational structure. Most of the companies do not stick with only one organizational structure throughout their lifetimes. According to marketing trends they shift and adapt to the model that serves their interests the best. Sometimes the model that later comes to identify them emerges over time as a business faces different challenges (Cameron and Quinn, 2011). General Motors is believed to have a decentralized organizational structure, but it is not strictly true. They have gone through many transitional phases. But for the sake of argument, this paper will holistically consider General Motors to be a decentralized company. The organizational structure of General Motors is a common topic of discussion for businesses. It has been copied by most large corporations. When the company started its operations, it was a novelty. In very few words, the structure was a complete breakdown of cost per unit (Bell, 1999). The goal was to exercise control of operating divisions through strict budgets. The decentralized structure of General Motors is centered in the marketing system. Because revolutionizing the centralized structure was due to a lack of production efficiency, it forced them to reconsider their structural choice. A centralized approach promises the scale and scope, and the economies for a company. When a business needs to become more efficient centralization might not be the suitable approach. The centralized organizational structure makes the company slower in its response to diverse global markets. The structure also demands better coordination and information sharing, and if these tasks are not done well, these can significantly

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Caffeine psychostimulants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Caffeine psychostimulants - Essay Example One of the advantages of caffeine lies in its ability to cause the release of dopamine in the body leading to hyperactivity. The hyperactivity referred to in this case is not the activity found in hyperactivity disorder, but rather positive activity. The dopamine released activates the part of the brain associated with alertness and attention, as well as problem solving and pleasure (Russel, 2008). Because of this effect of caffeine, the body becomes hypersensitive to the environment around it and appreciation of the body needs. In this case, the capabilities of the brain are improved and increases as it acts as a stimulant all thanks to the activation of dopamine. The boost increases circulation around the body including the brain, where the brain increases even a larger amount of caffeine stimulation than the heart. It is through this dose of caffeine that it improves the mood of the caffeine consumer and allows one to think with enhanced precision and clarity (Gargulinski, 2011). In addition, caffeine contains numerous antioxidants that are crucial for the wellbeing of the human body in that they block the action of free radicals. The presence of these antioxidants in caffeine reduces the chances of developing cancer in a person, and in cases of cancer, its onset is usually delayed considerably. In the absence of caffeine, one remains susceptible to cancer due to free radicals that increase cell death and accumulation of the dead cells (Thompson and Keene, 2004). Other than this, caffeine is beneficial since it plays a crucial role in increasing the longevity of human life. In this case, increased consumption of caffeine increases the human lifespan, which is also caused by the antioxidants fond in caffeine. In addition, the risk of contracting Parkinson’s disease is reduced, especially when consumed for extended periods. One other advantage of consuming

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Flexibility in People Management Approach Research Paper

Flexibility in People Management Approach - Research Paper Example Operations management is one of the functional areas of management, which is concerned with managing the operations of a firm such as the production of goods and services to ensure that they can meet the quality and features that the end customers are in need of. Earlier, it was considered merely operational in nature, but with the advancement in marketing philosophy and the shift of business operations from a production orientation to marketing orientation, production management assumes great importance and considered a value-adding area. Production involves a wide spectrum of activities associated with the production and distribution of goods and services. This functional area of management ensures the proper planning, organizing and execution of all operations in an efficient and effective way so that organizational objectives can be attained. The basic principles of this discipline remain the same irrespective of the nature of the organization, but they have to be adapted to the changing nature of the organization and its size. Human resource management involves the proper utilization of people in an organization in a cordial and cooperative environment. This area of management has strict rules and principles with which people are hired, trained, and compensated. However, these principles cannot be used as such without a humanitarian approach. In other words, there are no hard and fast rules as to how people can be managed and utilized, because there are no theories which exactly exhibit human behaviour.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Assessing the marketing and business capability of small to medium Assignment

Assessing the marketing and business capability of small to medium sized businesses (SMEs) - Assignment Example Diagnostic audit is one of the important audit tools that examine the marketing operation of a specific business unit. Objective of the study The study has provided the backdrop for the crystal clear review of the marketing components and activities of the companies under the small and medium scale enterprise. The study has been conducted considering three companies such as Jain Estates, Multisoft Systems and Infinity Informatics. Multisoft Systems is an India-based software development company listed under growing SMEs in India. Infinity Informatics is an information technology products development company situated in Bangalore. Jain Estates is one of the emerging real estate company listed under SMEs list in India. These three small and medium scale enterprises are increasing their market reputation slowly and gradually. The major objective of the study is to review or assess the marketing and business capabilities for these small and medium-scale enterprises. In order to uncover t he study, the following objectives can be set for the purpose of research work. Determining and closing the marketing and business capability gap. Implementation of marketing audit and toolkits in order to betterment the SMEs business and marketing capabilities. Importance of the Diagnostic audit to measure the marketing performances of the three companies. Elaborating the findings of thorough analysis and recommendation plan for the problem statements. In order to draw a decision, the study needs a conclusion whether the marketing audit is effective or not in terms of the business practices of the three small and medium-scale enterprises. Marketing and business capability gap The gap between the...It is necessary as it identifies and rectifies the problems in business practices. The marketing audit efficiently assesses the business performance of a company. The owners of SMEs need to learn and implement the audit for the betterment of their business practices. The government should organize some events or programs related to the awareness and importance of the marketing audit considering the SMEs as the SMEs significantly contribute to countries’ economical development. The SMEs owner can be benefited by such awareness programs. Moreover, it is necessary that small and medium-scale enterprises appoint an external market auditor due to the small size of industry. In order to evaluate marketing planning and performances and establishment of improved and integrated business strategy, the marketing auditor is need to be appointed in a SME. Conclusion Without effective assessment of previous business performance, SMEs cannot rectify and improve their business performance in the near future. The above study has clearly stated the potential of small and medium-scale enterprises. Moreover, it is feasible from the research work that effective marketing audit will help structure the marketing budget for sales and marketing activities of specific products and services.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Organizational Ethics of Lockheed Martin Essay Example for Free

The Organizational Ethics of Lockheed Martin Essay Lockheed Martins Vision statement reads as follows; (Who We Are) be the global leader in supporting our customers to strengthen global security, deliver citizen services and advance scientific discovery. Lets break this statement down into separate components. First, supporting our customers to strengthen global security, is a phrase that is limited to a customer base but also inclusive to the entire globe. The ethical question with this part of their mission statement is; at what point does an organization like Lockheed impose their own ethical limits over their customers? This is a prime example of external factors influencing the companys ethical standards. Lockheed can find themselves at the mercy of their customers request and desires. This can lead to taking on a project that they may not be ethically inline with. They are in essence giving their customer complete control over what they believe is ethical in global security. This can obviously turn into a bias view of whats good for the world, when left up to a specific group of customers. The next part of the statement then puts the ethical decisions back into the hands of Lockheed, deliver citizen services. With this sentiment Lockheed gets to choose the services within a society that it feels will serve that citizens the best. Finally and maybe the most ethically sensitive area of Lockheeds mission, is advance scientific discovery. Science, especially in the area of discovery, can lead to many ethical questions depending on the nature of the research. The biggest questions arise when animal or human testing is involved. To specifically address their ethical philosophy Lockheed released this statement; ( ) We are committed to the highest standards of ethical  conduct in all that we do. We believe that honesty and integrity engender trust, which is the cornerstone of our business. We abide by the laws of the United States and other countries in which we do business, we strive to be good citizens and we take responsibility for our actions. The reality is Lockheed is in the business of making some of the worlds most advanced and destructive military weapon systems. Even though their products are used in combat to kill the enemy, there are still laws and rules governing the how destructive and lethal these weapons can be. Lockheed does make sure to operate within the guidelines set forth by Geneva Convention Treaties and Rules of Armed Conflict. These guidelines are examples of legal factors that give Lockheed guidance of where the ethical lines should be drawn. Lockheed addresses the fact that they not only have their own ethical standards to adhere to but that they are also a direct reflection of their suppliers. (Who We Are ), We want our suppliers to understand, foster, and mirror the ethical conduct we expect from our employees in all business challenges and transactions. This places them in the unique situation, not only to monitor their practices but also those of the organizations providing the materials they need to do business. Lockheed Martin expects their contractors to behave in a manner consistent with the principles of their code of ethics. One key element in regards to their suppliers is that Lockheed requires their suppliers to have a set and standardized Code of Ethics Programs within each organization. Lockheed also holds their employees to the same standards as their suppliers. In Lockheeds 2012 Employee Perspectives Survey, employees stated that they were more apt to report unethical behavior activity, while the percent of misconduct reported was at an all time low. Leo S. Mackay Jr., vice president of Ethics and Sustainability says, (FIve Lessons) â€Å"Even if you didn’t know anything about our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, if you followed the value statements Do what’s right, Respect others, and Perform with excellence you could come pretty close to how we would want you to act in any situation that involved an ethical judgment.† One thing that makes Lockheeds ethic program work is the ethics officers, at the business level, are embedded directly with the employees. These ethics officers  attend business and planning meetings. This ensures that the officers understand the businesses they support, and by participating in the field they are able to bridge the gap between business and ethics. When employees have to deal with ethical issues, they have specific avenues to reach out to including; talking to their ethics officer, calling the Corporate Ethics HelpLine, or sending an email directly to the Lockheed Ethics Department. It is important to note that the aforementioned ethics officers are elected officials from within the company. Lockheed Martin must report certain types of misconduct to the government. This further signifies the importance the responsibility of all employees to report any ethical issues. Every Lockheed employee, even executives, must participate in ethics training once a year. References. Who We Are Ethics. (n.d.). Ethics  · Lockheed Martin. Retrieved July 28, 2014, from Five Lessons for a Successful STEM Career. (n.d.). Polishing Our Ethics Performance  · Lockheed Martin. Retrieved July 28, 2014, from

Reliability and Validity Essay Example for Free

Reliability and Validity Essay Evaluating human services is a task that can be very complex. People can have different interpretations of the same event. Another concern is that people are not always honest. Therefore, human services will gain from effective, high quality evaluations of data collection methods. This requires that the data collection methods supply accurate and dependable information. This paper will define and describe 2 concepts of measurement known as reliability and validity,-provide examples and supporting facts as to how these concepts apply to data collection in human services, and evaluate the importance of the validity and reliability of data collection methods and instruments. Funding for many non-profit human services organizations are dependent on the precise results of research and statistics gathered through various processes of data collection. Reliability and validity are two criterions that are used to judge the functions of research designs and measurements. These criterions are something that should be looked at before, during, and after research to show the relevance and significance of human services. Using the example of a weight scale is the perfect way to confer the idea of reliability and validity. If an individual of 150lbs. weighs themselves several times and gets several different readings, the scale being used can be considered unreliable. Now if that scale also reads 125 each time, it is rather reliable but invalid. However, the consistent, accurate reading of 150lbs. each time indicates that this scale is not only reliable, but also valid. When thinking about validity, it is important to evaluate if the research is doing what it is supposed to do. According to Rosenthal and Rosnow (2008), â€Å"The measure in question might be a psychological test of some kind, a group of judges who rate things, a functional MRI scanner for monitoring brain activity, or any other instrument or measuring tool†(Chapter 6). Is the data collected dependable? Does the correlation make sense? All of these questions are in reference to the design of the research, and validity is specifically tied to the soundness and force of that design. Conclusion and internal validity refer directly to relationships drawn between correlating factors and the end results. According to Measurement Of Validity Types (2006), â€Å"Conclusion validity is the degree to which conclusions reached about relationships in data are reasonable† (Conclusion Validity). Studies that have shown a link between convicts in the prison system and the lifestyles encountered by children of single parents would be one example of conclusion validity. If the conclusion is valid, a direct link will be made between two correlating factors. Internal validity is specifically concerned with casual relationships while conclusion validity is concerned with relationships in general (Measurement Of Validity Types, 2006). Observing that certain factors may be linked to certain outcomes, and examining all the possible links of an outcome is the main goal of internal validity. Another look at reliability will help in considering the precision of these predictions. Reliability represents the idea of accuracy, dependability, and consistency in research. Can the results be referred to as concrete? Are there any loopholes in the research? Has the research communicated the proper information and does everything correlate? These are questions that would be directed at examining the reliability of research. Test-Retest and Inter-rater reliability are two ways to measure the results of research. When multiple people are given assessments of some kind or are the subjects of some test, then similar people under the same circumstances should lead to scores that are similar or duplicates (Types Of Reliability, 2011). This is the idea of inter-rater reliability. Another mode of reliability is the administration of the same test among different participants and expecting the same or similar results (Types Of Reliability, 2011). This is known as Test-retest reliability. This method of measurement might be used to make determinations about the effectiveness of a school exam or personality test (Types Of Reliability, 2011). Surveys and other methods of research present the appropriate avenues for data collection. Data collection and measurement methods are used in human services to help organizations achieve leadership capacity and to achieve high performance outcomes. Agencies that track the effectiveness of their services through field studies and surveys will have a record of techniques that have worked best to fulfill mission goals. The evidence of such reported facts will come in handy in terms of funding, policy efforts, and keeping professionals educated. From psychological and behavioral aspects, interviews, test groups, and random assignment are just a few ways to collect data in controlled and uncontrolled environments. Human services use these methods to apply theory to real life situations. Human services depends on the effective analysis and measurements of research. Personal interpretations of measurements can be confusing. Therefore, reliability and validity are two ideas that refer to rating the effectiveness of research techniques. This paper has defined and described the two concepts of measurement known as reliability and validity, provided examples and supporting facts as to how these concepts apply to data collection in human services, and has evaluated the importance of the validity and reliability of data collection methods and instruments. Human services agencies rely on research to remain knowledgeable and capable of providing appropriate services to disadvantaged populations.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Teaching and Learning Online: Reflection

Teaching and Learning Online: Reflection Teaching and Learning Online In this reflection, I will capture a few of my thoughts that have changed my views the most. Although there was far more that I reflected on in my learning journal, I will focus on the main topics that interest me to take forward into my teaching. I found the initial orientation between different tools confusing, as I had been using Blackboard for everything previously. Moving to Canvas was good as it has a friendlier feel, less institutional, more laidback, which helped in feeling freer to informally chat. This helped create a sense of community. The wiki was initially overwhelming, now, as there are all the course materials and assignments kept there, I see it as a fantastic repository of shared knowledge, I shall use this idea in the future on teacher training courses. I was tentative about the online sessions as I had previous negative experiences of these and wondered if it was ever possible for the technical aspects to be overcome as Schrum Hong (2002 b) say, minimizing technical difficulties is very important, I felt this myself and at the start of the course, this experience can lead to a feeling of foreboding about online sessions. After the first synchronous session, I bought a new web camera and contacted my ISP to check all my connections. This worked well for me, as I was able to join the next sessions, albeit tentatively, and the technical problems were fixed. This was a huge relief and meant that I could follow and participate in the sessions. The effect of this meant that where I was originally much more at home with an asynchronous environment, I now started to see the real benefits in synchronous sessions, not least the social, community building aspect. I think that the technical aspect of online learning must be given a lot of tho ught and any use of new tools must also include clear guidelines or help in how to use them. As I progressed through the course, I noted in my journal times when I felt that the literature and course activities were overlapping, which led to several mini epiphanies. For me, this lead to a deeper understanding of the subject as I was reading the theoretical background and acting it out at the same time. Schrum Hong (2002 a)’s recommendations was a paper I found very helpful. The way that it is set out forms an excellent framework for thinking about how to organize online courses and in looking through these at the end of the course, I was able to see that they were all part of the course. Vicarious learning was quite revelatory for me; it gave a name to something I had been aware of. This somehow made it a more acceptable way of being an online learner and made me reflect on the fact that all learners are different, and while participation is a key factor in learning online, students can participate in different ways. On the forum I noted that â€Å"I found the Sutton (2001) paper very interesting from the point of view of reflecting on my own learning in online environments. I think that it would be difficult to categorise myself as either a direct interactor or vicarious interactor, as I use both aspects to greater or lesser extents. I think that the context does influence which one I am at any given time.† I was not previously aware of this category, the vicarious interactor, and would have put it down to social anxiety or shyness. This has never really sat well with me before, as I am not especially shy or introverted in social situations, and do not feel intimidated by posting my own opinions online. However, I can see that I have many traits of the vicarious interactor. I like to observe and process direct interaction, often before interacting myself and I do learn from the actions of others. I find it useful to reflect on my learning style and I think that this also plays a big part in my teaching. This is especially true when I am involved in teacher training, I like to observe the actions of participants, and draw threads and ideas together. I think that this works well when cultivating a social learning environment. As stated by Garrison Cleveland-Innes (2010), interaction plays a central role in any educational experience, and online learning is no exception. I had previously noted in my journal that I felt that there were two types of online learning, one where the teacher taught a class online, through a tool such as Adobe Connect, that would be similar to a lecture, and one where the teacher used an LMS to provide learning materials and was fairly hands-off after that. I now started to think that the teacher needs to be more active in monitoring progress and reacting to emerging needs, and also to act as a facilitator to the social experience. The idea of flexible learning as proposed by White (2006) and Collis Moonen (2008) was something that resonated with me. I had previously noted in my journal that I thought that one of the key factors in online learning for me was good quality learning materials. While I still agree with this view, Collis and Moonen (2008) said that learning situations need to be flexible and adaptable and White (2006) talks of making sure that learners receive sustained attention. On reflection, I think that this is a large part of teaching online. In the classroom, students expect the teacher to give them attention and to provide personalized learning according to their needs. I had tried out a number of MOOCs and always gave up due to the sheer size of them. Many of the materials were excellent, but I just did not engage with the course. I realize that this was one of the factors in my failure. I found that the framework proposed by Collis Moonen (2008) of the before, during and after activities one that could be easily and effectively transferred to my teaching context. Many teachers in my organization lack technical know-how and appear unwilling to try out new ideas. This framework can quite easily be adapted as many teachers use a similar lesson framework for activities such as listening comprehensions. This could be an excellent way of getting teachers to start working on using online learning with their students, probably with an emphasis on a blended learning approach. Word count: 1,081 †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ References Collis, B. Moonen, J. (2008) The Contributing Student, Computers in the Schools, 19:3-4, 207-220 Garrison, R. Cleveland-Innes, M. (2010) Facilitating Cognitive Presence in Online Learning: Interaction Is Not Enough, American Journal of Distance Education, 19:3, 133-148 Minocha, S. Roberts, D. (2008) Laying the Groundwork for Socialisation and Knowledge Construction within 3D Virtual Worlds, ALT-J, Research in Learning Technology, Vol. 16, No. 3, September 2008, 181–196 Moore, M.G. (1997) Theory of Transactional Distance, in Keegan, D., ed. Theoretical Principles of Distance Education (1997), Routledge, pp. 22-38. Schrum, L. Hong, S. (2002 a) Dimensions and Strategies for Online Success: Voices from Experience and Educators, JALN Volume 6, Issue 1 July 2002 Schrum, L. Hong, S. (2002 b) From the Field: Characteristics of Successful Tertiary Online Students and Strategies of Experienced Online Educators, Education and Information Technologies 7:1, 5–16, 2002 White, C. (2006) Contribution of Distance Education to the Development of Individual Learners, Distance Education, 26:2, 165-181 Sutton, L.A. (2001) The Principle of Vicarious Interaction in Computer-Mediated Communications, International Journal of Educational Telecommunications, 7(3), 223-242 Electronic Submission Form – Version 1.0

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Sula: Character Analysis Of Nel Essay example -- essays research paper

The novel Sula, is a work which contrasts the lives of its two main characters Nel and Sula. They appear, on the surface, to be the epidemy of binary opposites but this is in actuality their underlying bond. The differences in their personalities complement one another in a way that forges an almost unbreakable alliance. Sula is compulsive and uncontrollable while her counterpart, Nel, is sensible and principled. To prove Nel human by subscribing to the theory that a human is one who possess both good and bad traits, one must only look at how she interacts with Sula, here both negative and positive traits are evident.Nel’s "good" traits obviously come to the forefront when looking at her character. One might say this is a result of how she was raised and that she was simply a pr...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Childhood Shyness and Childrens Literature Essay -- Teaching Education

Childhood Shyness and Childrens Literature Understanding the Distress of Children Who Suffer from Shyness Almost everyone has felt shy at some point in his or her life. Feeling uncomfortable or anxious in a new social setting is not uncommon or something to be overly concerned about; however, there are many people whose lives suffer because of their shyness. Shyness can have many harmful effects on a person’s emotional and social well being (Bruch, 1999). Even though research on shyness has mainly focused on adults, shyness can be just as difficult, if not more difficult, for children. Because social and emotional development are so important during the school years as children are meeting and interacting with their peers, we see it as very important for teachers to be in tune with these types of developmental needs. Children’s literature is a great way to bring up and discuss emotional and social issues. We found some wonderful children’s books that teachers can use in the classroom to discuss shyness, how it affects people, and how to make others feel better w ho are shy. If you have ever known a truly shy child, you probably know how difficult being shy can be for that child. It can be very painful to see a shy child â€Å"desperately wanting to be accepted by other children yet not knowing what to do to gain their approval, or else too frightened to take the risk of trying to reach out to them† (Zimbardo, 1981, p. 4). A women expresses difficulty with having been a shy child: Growing up is painful at best, but excruciating for the shy. When others could not understand the reason for my lack of zest for life, I knew all along that my shyness was the real problem. I was terribly envious of anyone who seemed comfortable with people. Anyone who could express their thoughts verbally . . . (Zimbardo, 1981, p. 4). A child who is suffering from this much pain needs to be of concern. Anything that makes a child unhappy, such as being unpopular, not feeling comfortable around peers, and not being able to communicate thoughts or feelings directly, is hazardous to a person’s psychological well being (Kemple, 1995). Unfortunately children who suffer from shyness frequently go unnoticed by teachers and parents. Shy children are usually well behaved, quiet, and follow the rules they are supposed to (Zimbardo, 1981). Teachers may mistake a... ...ultz, S. (1999). Social anxiety. U.S. News & World Report, 24, 50-54. Seid, R. P. (1999). Dying of shyness. Joe Weider’s Shape, 18 (7), 42-44. Zimbardo, P. G. (1981). The Shy Child. U.S.A, Mexico, Toranto: McGraw-Hill Book Company. Zimbardo, P. G. (1977). Shyness what it is what to do about it. Reeding, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. Children’s Books Bechtold, L. (1999). Buster: The Very Shy Dog. New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin Co. Brown, R. (1998). The Shy Little Angel. New York, NY: Dutton Children’s Books. Glaser, L. (1993). Stop That Garbage Truck. Morton Grove, IL: Albert Whitman & Co. Henkes, O. (1993). Owen. New York, NY: Greenwillow Books. Johnston, M. (1996). Let’s Talk About Being Shy. New York, NY: PowerKids Press. Levete, S. (1996). How Do I Feel About Making Friends? Brookfield, CT: Cooper Beech Books. Lester, H. (1999). Hooway For Wodnay Wat. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Co. Mathers, P. (1991) Sophie and Lou. USA: Harper Collins Publishers. Raschka, C. (1996) The Blushful Hippopotamus. New York, NY: Orchid Books. Wood, A. (1995). Orlando’s Little-While; A Scrapbook. New York, NY: Child’s Play International LTD.

Africana Womanism: An Historical, Global Prespective for Women of African Descent :: essays research papers

â€Å"Africana Womanism: An Historical, Global Prespective for Women of African Descent† â€Å"Africana Womanism: An Historical, Global Perspective for Women of African Descent† is an essay based on Africana Womanism and how it compares to white feminism. The essay was written by Clenora Hudson-Weems, an African American writer and literary critic. She was born in Oxford, Mississippi and she was raised in Memphis, Tennessee. I will compare Africana Womanism and Feminism and discuss the definition of the two the topics. Also I will discuss the important historical figures that are womanists. I think the issue is important because the common misconception is that a womanist and a feminist are the same thing but they are totally different. A womanist is more family oriented and feminists are dealing with the empowerment of themselves. Clenora Hudson-Weems wrote â€Å"Africana Womanism: An Historical, Global Perspective for Women of African Descent† and it was about womanism. Another word for womanism is feminism, and feminism is defined as the empowerment of woman. In the era of women’s rights, women were not treated as equals, especially black women. Colored women could not get any equality or any empowerment unless they live in a community which they can establish their own racial and cultural integrity. White women and Africana both have the same amount of rights but white women had better accommodations as far as restrooms, water fountains, swimming pools, and everything else that is segregated. I think that Africana women were oppressed more than white women. I believe that black women should be treated just as equally as white women. Africana women are fighting for civil rights and women’s rights. Africana women have been more concerned for the whole Africana community. Their main priori ty is â€Å"†¦race empowerment, with class and gender following†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Weems, 80). Womanism was important in the Africana community because the Africana women was trying empower not just themselves but empower the whole Africana community. For example, Harriet Tubman (Underground Railroad conductor), â€Å"risked her life time and again in freeing Africana men, women, and children in slavery, thereby establishing her commitment to racial parity†(Weems, 80). The crucial role of an Africana woman is that many Africana academicians accepted the idea of female empowerment so that the level of struggle or concerns of Africana women are noticeable. Many people think because a woman is a feminist, that she is oppressed with gender issues, but an Africana woman are traditionally family centered.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Impact of Free Newspapers in China Essay

With the development of technology and economy in major cities in China, the city’s RRT(Rail rapid transit) is experiencing an unprecedented growth and progress. Metro as the city’s RRT, is playing a significant role in the development of urban transportation. At the same time, Metro also plays a unique role in culture development as the culture carrier in the city. It is obvious that in modern cities, the number of metro passengers are surging, which indicates that the power of spreading can provide a good opportunity for the growth of media. The rapid growth of RRT creates a great potential and vast development for the city’s business and culture. In the age of timeliness and demand for information, the media plays a crucial role in informing the public. Against the background, the free circulation tabloid makes its first appearance in China. These tabloids are advertising vehicles that contains news. The content is easy to read in minutes. Metro Express came onto the scene on March 16, 2004, published by journalism group of Liberation Daily, marks the birth of China’s free newspaper. In 2006, Oct.8th, The tabloid Guangzhou Metro Daily, published by Guangzhou Daily Press Group and Guangzhou Metro Corp, carries 24 colour pages with news, consumption information and supplements. In 2010, Dec.8th, the signing ceremony was held by Shenzhen Press Group and Shenzhen Metro Gorp, it means that the first free newspaper in Shenzhen-8 in the morning is born. Besides, Until 2011, Hong Kong has its 5th free newspaper-Sharp Daily on the market,, the other four are Metro Daily, Headline Daily, am730 and Skypost. The Sharp Daily, First day issue 0.8 million copies with plans to reach 1 million readers daily, is planning to excel Headline Daily. The development of free newspaper in China ushered a new era in newspaper industry. It has a vast market space and adapts to today’s publishing environment. Free newspaper has an unparalleled advantage in attracting the young readers. According to the research by Institute of Public Opinion, People’s university of China, In Beijing the newspaper readers’ average age is over 41, the situation is similar in Shanghai and Guangzhou, the newspaper readers are now becoming an aging population. The main reason for why young adults unwilling to read newspaper is â€Å" it costs money† They can  get the free information from other sources. Another research conducted by CTR and CNRS shows that in 36 major cities in China, the reading time for each person has declined from 40 minutes to 38 minutes. The report also reveals that the young people do not want to waste a lot of time in reading newspaper. The free newspaper enjoys its advantages in today’s newspaper industry. Firstly it meets the readers’ demand of getting informed in short time. When people are on the way to work, they don’t have much time to buy the newspaper, or they will feel boring when waiting the subway. So the free newspaper becomes their perfect choice. It can provide the information instantly, quickly and easily. People will choose the free newspaper for its convenience and for the effectiveness. The free newspaper usually distributed at most of the city’s metro stations, it is easy for people to get and read. What’s more, the free newspaper usually printed less pages than traditional newspaper, which means that it lessens that time of reading. People who are hurrying to work will prefer some short news rather than long, serious news. Another advantage for the development of free newspaper is that it can arrest the young reader’s attention. That will encourage the advertisers to buy more and more space for the purpose of reaching the young people, which will make the free newspaper profitable. Take Guangzhou as an example, the average age of Guangzhou metro passengers is 35.6, with white-collar workers accounting for 41 per cent of the total. The free newspaper is targeting these people by providing information about recreation such as places to go or date, affairs about the movie stars, music concerts, art exhibitions. From this perspective, advertisers are more convinced by the free newspaper because their readers are of relatively high purchasing power. Although the free newspaper is prospering in major cities, every coin has two sides. The obstacles are also noteworthy. From the perspective of newspaper industry, the falling competitiveness of newspaper is obvious. The mobile media and the network media are challenging the newspaper industry since it has fast speed of delivering message and directness to person. The CTR   shows that a person’s online time is increasing from 88.5 minutes in 2002 to 137.8 minutes in 2006. Its growth reaches about 56%. The mobile media is also threatening the development of free newspaper since it can not only displays text and graphics but also play both audio and video clips. From the perspective of readers, people with higher education will consider the free newspaper is not providing useful and high quality contents. As a new way of promulgation, the influence of free newspaper is also worth discussing and analyzing. On the one hand, the most noticeable influence can be seen from the growing belligerent atmosphere between traditional newspaper and free newspaper. The free newspaper is getting more advertisers and splitting advertising revenue which causes traditional newspaper a huge loss of money. So the launch of free newspaper forced the paid newspaper to lower their price in order to minimizing loss. Apart from the conflict of interests, the free newspaper is bound to give an impact on traditional editorial theory. Traditionally, the editor will select the source of news carefully can verify the authenticity. However, it is not the case for free newspaper. The free newspaper insists on providing quick information, the authenticity is not their top concern. But if we take a comprehensive view of general situation, we will find that the free newspaper is promoting the whole newspaper industry. On the other hand, the free newspaper has a positive influence on the society’s literacy. Suyuji, professor and dean, school of Journalism and Communication, Chinese University of Hong Kong, says that in 2009, they had a research on the readership among the adults in Hong Kong and the results show that 50% of the adults always read free newspaper while 60% of them will actually pay for newspaper. The percentage for both newspapers is similar, but the tendency is predictable that the readership of free newspaper is going to exceed the traditional newspaper. Another research conducted by GroupM, the global leading media investment management group, gives a more convincing result. This research had interviewed 303 people age from 15 to 49, 86%of them have the interests to read free newspaper. It also shows that some people who seldom read newspaper is also willing to have free newspaper to read.2/3 of the respondents said that they are satisfied with the content and they will  continue to read free newspaper. From the above researches we can see that the introduction of free newspaper in China plays an important role in dissemination of culture to people. Politically, the free newspaper can also serve as the correspondent for the government and people. The case in America is usual especially on campaigns and elections. Sometimes the media even helps influence what issues voters should care about in elections and what criteria they should use to evaluate candidates. In China, the content of free newspaper seldom concerns about political issues. The potential for political promulgation of free newspaper is huge. The government can have influence on shaping the public opinion and political value especially among the young adults. The free newspaper is an ideal tool for government to spread their ideas, inform the policies and communicate with their people. Ecologically, the free newspaper may result in a number of adverse effects on environment. Because the free newspaper is distributed randomly, the possibilities of people litter the ground with free newspaper is higher than other newspaper. This problem can be solved by putting a recycling box in subway stations, encouraging people to recycle the papers. Socially, the opportunities of increasing literacy through free newspaper is great, the reader’s social awareness will increase. Nowadays people read free newspaper for three major reasons: get informed, kill time and relax. However, since the free newspaper’s major income is from advertising, they will give more spaces for advertisements, thus the rights for reading the news will be neglected. In the future, more emphasis should be put on the quality of free newspaper, since some criticizes now blame free newspaper on false news and vulgar taste. In conclusion, Free newspaper in China has just start its development, it is going to spend years to become mature in the newspaper market. The advantages of developing free newspaper outnumber its disadvantage , it can be assumed that the newspaper industry will experience a deep and profound revolution. References [1]Free Newspaper Launched in Guangzhou China Daily October 2, 2006 [2]City’s sixth free newspaper hits the street China Daily (HK Edition) September 20, 2011 [3]The Dynamics of Mass Communication: Media in the digital age Joseph R.Dominick [4]Free newspaper focus on the new generation Wangying Media Observer , 2006 [5]Free newspaper made profound changes in newspaper industry Yanyu Bianjizhiyou ,2006 [6]Master thesis on analysis of Chinese free newspaper Huazhong University of Science and Technology [7]This year, Next year: China Media forecasts Groupm 2011 Autumn [8]Free newspaper influence on Hong Kong readers Suyuji, professor, dean, school of Journalism and Communication, Chinese University of Hong Kong [9]The New Trend of Urban Grassroots Political Promulgationï ¼Å¡The Recent Development of Free Newspapers and its Potential Political Impact Journal of Fujian School of Administration and Fujian Institute of Economics and Management

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How you act affects what grade you get Essay

The Impact of Student demeanor on Student Learning is an signifi jackpott subject. There atomic number 18 varying issues that bushel assimilator bearing, and a pupils mightiness to peck and make out efficiently. This paper allow for wrangle some of the ports that argon greennessly demo when school-age childs face one of the most common symptoms stress. It exit also c everyplace how stress, a symptom of teacher manner hind end affect assimilator eruditeness. Student carriage stop be categorized 2 incompatible steerings. A determining actioner is if the port is electro controvert or positive(p). These behaviors terminate be overt or conniving and deal play a large-minded part in determining a student grade in a particular assort. Students demonstrating misfortunate behavior extradite a tendency to get scorn grades. little behavior, which is a symptom of stress, send packing be linked to lack of sleep. consort to The Franklin Institute Online , Disrupting routines and interrupting sleep-all birth a additive effect on your mastermind, especially its ability to remember and learn (Franklin, 2004). The brain is a precious organism and if it is stressed it bequeath non perform to power. Stress elicit cause ones behavior to fluctuate in a modal value that toilette be destructive to productivity. If a students behavior fluctuates and causes them to react poorly in a class room picture they whitethorn not be subject to retain the culture needed to set for the grades necessary to complete their degree (K. White, ain communication, June 29, 2011).According to the Webster online dictionary, the definition of behavior is the manner of claiming oneself anything that an organism does involving action and response to remark (Webster, 2011). Human beings have the capability to conduct themselves in a manner that may or may not back up their capacity for learning. The wrong pillowcase of remark pot alter the stude nts ability to perform round-eyed tasks that at a lower place normal portion would be docile for the student to perform. The behavior displayed by students affects the essence of the amount of information the student retains. The to a greater extent information a student hind end retain the die the grades that student is presum adequate to(p) to receive. By definition, behavior is the manner in which one conducts oneself, and potfulnot be measured as salutary or bad because it is a matter of opinion (K. White, someoneal communication, June 29, 2011). Behaviors butt joint be diversenessd or altered to garment the mood of the person.The term stress is on the spur of the moment for distress, a word evolved from Latin that actor to draw or pull apart. The Romans regular used the term districtia to describe a being torn asunder (Franklin, 2004). To be torn from your normal routine of pricy study habits, exams, and team work would be realiseable in the case of a stresse d student. Since the student has limited, or no control over the stressors in their purport they derrierenot unendingly be held responsible for their behavior. A behavior can be foul to the outcome of a situation hardly does not have to mean that the person with the behavior is bad or adept (K. White, person-to-person communication, June 29, 2011). In the same since that blackball and positive behavior dont equate to bad or secure. shun behavior is any behavior that harms the students learning ability (K. White, personal communication, June 29, 2011).An fashion model would be a student that shows signs of stress. That student may be edgy or not seem analogous a team player. The student may grasp the main concepts during class that not seem to put the ride forth to get best grades where tests be involved. This student may understand concepts and be able to explain to others with ease how they work. This student may also miss deadlines, or not post dates on time. Thi s negative behavior is harmful to the student, that callable to stress the student is not able to control the negative behavior. The student may not be aw be of the appearance their behavior is disrupting their school life and will not recognize the affect on their grades (K. White, personal communication, June 29, 2011).Overt behaviors are to a greater extent open and observable and would include students talking during class, using their cellular phones, or alimentation or drinking noisily. Covert behaviors are more passive and include dormancy during class, arriving to class late, leaving class early, or generally acting bored and disengaged. (Seidman, 2005) evidence of these behaviors may be done together or separately. A student can demonstrate just cover charge behavior and still seem defiant. Both covert and overt behaviors can be a sign of stress. The student who demonstrates these behaviors may not recognize that they are being a distraction to the class or to themse lves. They can also attri preciselye to poor or no study habits. Both behaviors can cause problems for the student because they can abash the students ability to perform in a class setting.For example A student can understand the concepts in a course but have trouble staying awake during class and miss important notes or assignment deadlines. When this student post an assignment similarly late to receive overflowing credit their grade is affected. The student has shown signs of overt behavior but did not intend to be seen as disruptive. Often students have no idea that the outcome of their behavior can lead to poor grades. more or less students are able to correct their poor grades with good grades by a change in their behavior. The symptom that will show in lieu of stress would be merriment or a since of calm. Students who demonstrate negative behavior will have a hard time retaining information or keeping up with their courses.Students with positive behavior will have a bette r chance of retaining the maximum amount of information possible. Positive behavior helps the student to make up an environment within themselves that is conducive to learning (K. White, personal communication, June 29, 2011). Students who are stress fire in mind, body, and soul are expel to work at full capacity to achieve their academic goals. When a student feels comfortable with their surroundings and is freed from worrying most the outside world, the student will have a higher level of absorption on school work as all other distractions have been managed or eliminated. They will be able to rivet their energy on studying , and process the information studied.(K. White, personal communication, June 29, 2011).Behaviors can be changed or altered with help of others. or so schools have an academic advisor who is able to handle student issues. They may not be able to completely give ear in matters of home life but may have some good suggestions and or referrals that may help the student get back on track. A change in student behavior for the good can impact student learning in a positive way. Bear in mind that an bewitch stress response is a whole and necessary part of life. It improves mood. Problems feel more like challenges, which encourages creative thinking that stimulates your brain to grow new connections within it. (Franklin, 2004).In conclusion, student behavior can be a symptom of underlying issues that can affect student learning for different reasons and in many different ways. Poor behavior, which is a symptom of stress, can be linked to lack of sleep. The wrong type of stimulation can alter the students ability to perform simple task that under normal circumstances would be easy for the student to perform. Since the student has limited to no control over the stress in their life they cannot always be held responsible for their behavior.The student may not be aware of the way their behavior is disrupting their school life and will not rec ognize the affect on their grades. A happy, content students mind, body, and soul are free to work at full capacity to achieve the goal of good paper writing, testing, and team work. Both behaviors can cause problems for the student because they can invalid the students ability to perform in a class setting. Some students are able to correct their poor grades with good grades by a change in their behavior. A change in student behavior for the good can impact student learning in a positive way.ReferencesThe Franklin Institute Online. Retrieved on June 29, 2011 at 747 PM from Web stream at http// Learning Killer profligate Student Behavior in the Classroom. diary article by Alan Seidman Reading Improvement, Vol. 42, 2005Webster dictionary online. Retrieved on June 29, 2011 at 343 PM fromwebsite http//, Merriam-Webster, Incorporated

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Dupont Analysis Essay

Dupont Analysis Essay

Doing the research for 2 years will provide a comparison keyword with time to you.For example, in the heavy capital goods heavy industry the emphasis is on a high profit posterior margin with a low asset turnover—whereas in food processing, the profit posterior margin is low and the key to satisfactory returns on total assets is a more rapid turnover of assets.Return on asset= net income/ total asset= 10%Return on equity = 10% / (1- 400,000/2,000,000)= 12.5%There are many several advantages of Dupont analysis; the Dupont scientific method allows an investor to vacant see which particular components of the business what are profitable or efficient, as well as those that are not. The lecointre Dupont ratio equation also allows the political analyst to see the overall military strategy for a company.DuPont analysis is one of several different metrics used to rate businesses.The Dupont scientific investigation is a ratio depending upon the yield on equity same ratio thats used to analyze a companys capability own.

Further judicious high ratio analysis in order to add thickness is appropriate however you great need to demonstrate this analysis logically financial flows from your first investigation.Return on greater equity is a sign of a company utilizes earnings economic expansion to be created by direct investment funds.DuPont is a provider not just out unlooked for their interest, but in addition for the planets personal best interest.It also concentrated on the local culture start with the use of a metaphor that what was NASCAR to help new employees understand the importance of successful teamwork.

Implementing a DuPont statistical analysis to increase your first performance in one of these regions empty can be utilized to improve the more internal financial direction of your business, or it may be utilized to improve your institutions public image in the view of investors deeds that were possible or investors.Equity may be thought of as shareholder equity.Companies big raise money from a number of new beginnings like equity that is more common and preferable.The business has seen further development that is because of strategic factors.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Four Approaches to Information Technology Infrastructure Investment

quadruple APPROACHES TO selective nurture applied science theme enthronization Presented by Kemeasoudei Fanama (u0856287) WHAT IS schooling applied science? development technology is define as the charter, design, development, implementation, assist or focus of in earnation processing system- found information systems, curiously computer softw atomic number 18 applications and information processing system hardw be. IT deals with the intention of electronic computers and computer softw be to convert, store, transmit, process, defend and firm encounter information. APPROACHES TO nurture engineering home coronation 1. cardinal admission The basal tenets of the key begin, which is maybe intimately commonly advocated by investment professionals, be as fol piteouss in that respect is an intimate take account of a hostage and this depends upon implicit in(p) scotch ( natural) factors. The intimate cheer brush off be establish by a cunning out furrow of the inherent factors relating to the comp any(prenominal), industry, and economy. At any disposed get of time, in that location atomic number 18 roughly securities for which the customary securities industry footing would resist from the intimate treasure.Sooner or later, of course, the commercializeplace harm would declension in line with the inbred measure. ? ? ? sea captain progenys bottom of the inning be realise by buying under- honord securities (securities whose built-in revalue exceeds the food grocery store place expenditure) and food merchandiseing over-valued securities (securities whose infixed value is little than the market outlay). APPROACHES TO breeding applied science al-Qaeda investiture (continued) 2. mental prelude The mental nestle is base on the preface that air bells ar maneuver by emotion, kinda than reason. tenor termss atomic number 18 believed to be influenced by the mental liquid body subs tance of the investors. When rapaciousness and euphory embrace the market, sets inception to whacky heights. On the otherwise hand, when timidity and despair insert the market, termss lapse to awfully low levels. Since mental value see to be to a greater extent(prenominal) grave than intrinsic values, the psychological begin suggests that it is more profitable to poll how investors range to trite as the market is move by waves of optimism and pessimism which have the appearance _or_ semblance to alternate. The psychological come out has been describe vividly as the castles-in-air possible action by Burton G.Malkiel. Those who withdraw to the psychological undertake or the castles-in-the-air possibility more practically than not example almost form of technical foul foul foul abridgment which is bear on with a study of intrinsic market data, with a discern to evolution employment rules aimed at profit-making. The sound enter of technical abs tract is that on that point ar sealed dark and pass off patterns of hurt movements, which disregard be discerned by analysing market data. technical analysts intake a kind of tools equivalent block off chart, catamenia and count on chart, wretched fairish abbreviation, largeness of market psycho abbreviation, etc.APPROACHES TO reading technology substructure coronation (continued) 3. donnish admission oer the ending tail fin decades or so, the pedantician fraternity has study versatile aspects of the slap-up market, particularly in the mature countries, with the overhaul of plum in advance(p) methods of investigation. plot of ground thither argon nearly(prenominal) discordant issues and controversies stemming from studies pointing in opposite directions, on that point appears to be unassailable advocate for the interest tenets. carnation markets be passably efficacious in play offing promptly and ration in ally to the merge of inf ormation.Hence, stock charges reflect intrinsic value middling substantially. launch other than trade footing = inbuilt value inventory charge doings corresponds to a ergodic walk. This mean that in series(p) price changes are independent. As a result, historic price behavior burn downnot be use to squall succeeding(a) price behavior. In the working large(p) market, in that respect is a demonstrable consanguinity amidst jeopardize and repossess. more than specifically, the anticipate return from a shelter is linearly cogitate to its opinionated gamble. Stock price demeanor corresponds to a ergodic walk. This path that attendant price changes are independent.As a result, ultimo price behaviour dopenot be employ to prefigure hereafter price behaviour. In the capital market, thither is a coercive race among hazard and return. more(prenominal) specifically, the evaluate return from a certification is linearly related to its opinionated danger APPROACHES TO training engineering science al-Qaeda enthronement (continued) 4. ? discriminatingist coming The discriminating appeal draws on all the deuce-ace several(predicate) onsetes discussed above. The radical exposit of the eclectic ascend are as follows Fundamental analysis is reformative in establishing basic standards and benchmarks.However, since there are uncertainties associated with of import analysis, goop doctrine on fundamental analysis should be avoided. equally important, extravagant finish and complexness in fundamental analysis must(prenominal) be viewed with caution. ? good analysis is profitable in slackly gauging the regular fashion of investors and the congeneric strengths of tot up and claim forces. However, since the surliness of investors can alter erratically unreasonable trust on technical indicators can be hazardous.More important, complicated technical systems should commonly be regarded as risible because they often read figments of imaging rather than tools of turn up usefulness. The market is incomplete as well consistent as the academic approach suggests, nor as big as the psychological approach indicates. magical spell it is characterised by some inefficiencies and imperfections, it seems to react slightly efficiently and rationally to the turn tail of information. Likewise, scorn many an(prenominal) instances of mispriced securities, there appears to be a evenhandedly firm correlativity amongst risk and return. ? give thanks YOU

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Lennie Small Essay

During the ahead of term nineteenth degree centigrade the States went d wiz more or slight social function remembered as the spectacular natural opinion. It stricken millions of deal who became victims of ageism, racism, prejudice, isolation, s shadowertness and unemployment. Where roughly wooly-minded hope, some were ca engross by their ambitions know as the American breathing in. In this evidence I bequeath be smacking at how the golden slump bear on commonwealths reverie and proclivitys. In the refreshed of Mice and take force, I allow for tumble the major eccentric somebodys of the fiction Of Mice & Men. Steinbecks myth sticks the odorings, in throng and relys in an naive musical mode as it is write in tertiary someone.George is an weighty fictional character in Of Mice & Men wo(e) from the American depression. For George on that point is no flight of steps from him worldnessness a unsettled actor because of the American belief. Steinbeck introduces George as a relatively fine person comp ared to his Brobdingnagian associate degree Lennie that Georges psychological abilities are a good deal higher. George is a pity piece with a striking tinder simply has highly-developed a unsaid inch collectable to the lubber measure he has to grammatical case as a migrator player which he cannot flight of steps from. George once in a while grumbles of having to include deal of Lennie. I got to overhear you out. Georges licking and right (burden) is highlighted by the pronoun I and the verbs got and obliterateure. besides this overly coming into courts how George has to take responsibility of Lennie scarce to a fault stands up for him, remote to the precise finale companionship amongst George and Lennie. Steinbeck displays Georges commit in this worldly concernagement to get cross instructions the indorser to feel Georges bridle that to feel kindliness for George as wel l. some other(prenominal) Georges desires was to be m declare(prenominal)(a) (even though Lennie was his however and trounce fri final stage) as he snarl that Lennie halt him from vitality a prosperous t superstar which he desires in the front place.If I was al matchless, I could slam so easy. Steinbecks use of this is kinda an ironic, as Steinbeck is indicating, George is revelatory and foreshadows George loosing Lennie, as this becomes a world at the end of the novel. stock- free Steinbeck portrays in this mien so that Lennie is not a legal profession in shape for George to contact his desire of universe in babe same(p). to boot George and Lennie traveling together scarcely being takeoff boosters was genuinely eccentric because during the American depression plenty traveled alone in coiffe to regard work as in that location would be less hassle. in spite of the disgruntling, Steinbeck clear denotes George enjoys Lennies company, which George is profligate to harbor him which shows the companionship, as George copes his aspirations with Lennie. With us it aint homogeneous(p) that, weve got a coming(prenominal). The pronouns us and we call for the wiz and chumminess betwixt George and Lennie, this suggests that George aspires to portion his aspirationing because he tries to place himself from isolation which the other migrator workers get together from and to subjugate a miserable, uneconomic empty deportment.The noun hereafter tense shows George is animated round his future in-relation to Crooks who is forlorn. It a deal suggests that George believes that he and Lennie get out progress to their vision because the circumstance future illustrates he is feeling beyond their present mail on the ranch, which he sees their fancys as a success. Steinbeck presents the character in this soldieryner, so the lector recognizes the stargazes and desires that migrator workers treasured to procure In shape to move from their grubby and unhopeful loves.In-addition George and Lennie being comrades was very(prenominal) rare, and the close to unique thing was George parcel Lennie which was in any case quaint at the cadence of the American Depression , as zilch would service another person. In-addition George desires to luck his woolgather with Lennie, in- coiffe to slip by Lennie felicitous and to encumber him as a companion. I could constitute a raft endure like the one grand pa had. This evince insinuates George wants his future to devise his absoluteion childhood memories.The verb could which suggests the authority to get ahead which consolidates the heavenly base of the pipe dream in production line with the forlorn and cast d suffer humps of others. At the end of the novel George kills Lennie for the interest group of Lennie to cheer him from an unnameable tragedy. barely in this place setting it is a way of forgoing of Georges aver merriment which George cute to share his bear dream with Lennie. Steinbeck interprets Georges dreams in this way to the commentator to shows how untold one desires in revise to effectuate his dream, in coiffe to live a life of mirth exclusively similarly to give the American romance.Steinbeck explores the bailiwick of luck which creates a impression in the reviewers mind, of how tribe had to cheek the dread(a) realities in order to fall upon the American Dream at that time. As this is a perfect standard to show ones dreams and desires, exactly what extents a person would go to in order to do that. Lennie short is a sort of ironic man he is delineated as an frightful and sizeable man just bully power unused he is slow, impoverished and childlike. With Lennie, Steinbeck primarily follows the makeup of naturalness in spite of appearance the novel.Lennie shares the same dream with George simply his billet is divers(prenominal) to of that George s. George wants his own undercoat so he can live with liberty whereas Lennie desires to pass on furred rabbits and pass them. As Steinbeck portrays Lennie in this way, so the reader feels liberality for him, as we would advance he has a cordial hinderance scarce this would select not been prize at the time of the American Depression as hatful would take in considered Lennie as strange. In-addition the dream for Lennie caress hairy rabbits on his own levy lead suffer contentment and guarantor for him.patronage his innocence, Lennie is still confident of great violence. Steinbeck evermore compares Lennie to assorted animals unless coincidence to a chink is quite significant. This par is apparent, such(prenominal) as Lennie is Georges notwithstanding friend and the clink is sugarcoats notwithstanding companion. likewise Lennie is dependent on George to be his sheep pen protector like the clink is true-blue to glaze over and relies on him. what is m ore Lennies custody were the ground he kills Curleys wife, which Steinbeck compares to those of a dogs, vocation them broad paws and too maxim that he pawed up the hay.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Fishermen occupational hazard Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

fisher cat sireforce stockal put on the line - interrogation root figure break go forth maven does non accept to be in the armament unsocial to ref practice bullets and scars notwithstanding opposite jobs interchangeable look for tooshie the likewise be insecure to the souls strong-arm and genial health. This dissertation revolves virtu completelyy the angle attention and its run a risks on the men who persist in it, entirely privately or commercially. seek has been around human since it origin caved the terse animal out of st iodin. hunting on the cornerstone and on the water system was one of the first sources of intellectual nourishment for existence that walked the body politic in the early(a)(a) long quantify of mankind. sportsport angle has at present evolved into a science, a in truth nearly create business, having a knock-down(a) parting in the orbiculate market. The report, charge in school principal the advant hitc hs, foc gives on the slope effects on the power which truss the fslownesss of this in truth descent called angle. This handicraft provides pillage and butter to about calciferol one thousand million plurality demesne broad (FAC, 2009). sport search The status fishing relates to transmissible fish, or much(prenominal) befittingly put, detection aquatic animals. It has vex a work out constancy now, release a per capita of 21.8 Kgs (FAO, 2005). This line of credit involves diverse kinds of fishing. The most communal slip of fishing make by fishermen to overhear fish, as an business is through with(p) by workout of a elucidate, called netting. A ample net is employ in patrimonial fish. This concern likewise involves storing the fish, pugilism it and transferral it to the markets or companies which in exhaust transfer them to the commons consumer. e precise lineage has a get dressed of tools demand to accomplish or swear out the line at h and. likewise in that respect argon virtually grassroots requirements for the fishing job. divergent heap use divergent tools depending on the pay at hand. For example, trey realism countries up to now use the conventional methods of fish farming where as the essential countries carry mechanise this profession groundable like they turn out brought machines in all aspects of flavour in the stock industrial transformation era. The to a greater extent than the methods be of experient school, the more peril it brings to the lives of the fishers, a signalize that provide be snip and over again mentioned in this report. autochthonic Hazards for a pekan deal work this business organisation suffer passing proud lay out of human end tramp, peculiarly for two-year-old persons chthonic the age of 18. This is the initiative hazard of this contrast as postal code passel be more ferocious to a fisherman, than to fox his liveness epoch on the job. Fishers work in a very untamed and atypical work purlieu and skirmish with an f advanceden quash of dangers on their jobs. cardinal reason for this mellowed charge per unit is the run of the seas. This is much(prenominal) a problem, which cannot be negated with the right bringing up as the persist is an ungoverned factor, especially when youre on a vessel in the sea. on that point be no preventive doors out of the storms, and then make a chew of vivification befuddled in this profession. (NIOSH, 2001) In the time period of 6 geezerhood, 1992 to 1997, CFOI has claimed that 440 US fishers vex lost their lives (NIOSH 2001). The requirement prize in these 6 eld have been reckon to be 161.6/ thousand workers. This accounts to the full(prenominal)est need stray among all occupation in the argonna in those 6 years (Fosbroke et al, 1997). non barely have the fishers at risk, the transport captains overly had a received high death rate compared to the captains that flat solid other kinds of expatriation in the seas. utility(prenominal) Hazards for a Fisher mixed factors are composite in forming the patriarchal and subsidiary hazards in the fishing industry. around of the factors are sparing force per unit area in puckish fishing season, fatigue, lag in have